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In Conversation with Otters Home Search

Francesca Watson is the Co-Founder of Otters Home Search and today she talks about how she and her Co-Founder Abbie Long, created their vision for success. As someone who loves to relocate and who has written a book about how to do it, I love this interview and the work they are doing.

I am dashing from Devon to London this morning, so it’s over to you, Francesca, and I know just why the south-west inspires your work and why it’s so important to get those big moves right.

We qualified as chartered surveyors in our 20s, bringing decades of experience in the commercial and residential property sectors. We know first-hand that buying a house can be one of the most stressful experiences in an adult’s life, and we understand our clients are not just thinking about their own needs but that of their families as well. According to a study by Legal and General, 41% of adults experienced anxiety, sleep deprivation (31%), and arguments with their partner (25%) when moving house.   

Many of our clients at Otters Home Search are relocating across large distances or are busy with work and family, so they struggle to physically research areas or go to viewings. To combat this, we work to add value and solve our clients’ property problems by saving them time and narrowing down their search. We consider all aspects of not only the property but its location and our client’s lifestyle. 

Crucially, we provide professional advice and relevant referrals, guaranteeing you won’t make a mistake. 

What inspired you to start a company and what do you offer?  
Our company was mainly inspired by our love for the South West, as we believe it delivers the perfect combination of beauty, practicality, culture, leisure, transport and commerce. However, relocating isn’t easy, no matter where you do it. And after our own relocation journey, we realized we wanted to alleviate the stress of finding a home for others. 

 There are so many aspects to consider in a move - schools, accessibility and lifestyle - and the stress of these can have a negative impact on health and wellness. This why we offer professional, qualified, and unbiased advice to ensure our client’s time, money and mental wellbeing are prioritized throughout their relocation journey.  

What influenced your services or product design? 
We saw first-hand how difficult the property market was to navigate and we wanted to give our customers the tools they needed to get out of the dark. We've ‘been there and done that’, having moved from the bustling city landscape of London to the tranquility of the Cotswolds, so we understand that major changes can have significant impact on your health and wellness. 

How does your company uniquely address the health and wellness needs of its customers? 
The lifestyles of our clients are paramount. In their relocation journey, we work hard to ensure we find our clients a match that allows them to maintain their routines. We try to provide a balance of change and comfort, making sure clients can keep the systems they and their families have previously used which in turn helps to contribute to their health and wellbeing.  

What major health and wellness trends have impacted your business strategy? 
Arguably the biggest wellness trend we’re seeing is the move from city to country. There's rising competition which can make the search for a perfect home even more difficult. We’ve found this has impacted our business strategy and have worked to ensure that customers feel reassured that their search will be made easier, despite this demand.    

Could you describe a pivotal moment or decision in your company's development? How did it influence your path forward? 
Something we were pleased to introduce was our Orientation Tour, which allows us to provide clients with an insight into the local market, including availability, pricing and lifestyle influences. This was a game-changer for our business, as it helped us develop trust with our clients and prove our location knowledge. We also got to see how much clients appreciated having some help and guidance through this big change.  

How do you measure success in terms of health and wellness outcomes for your clients or customers? 
We really appreciate the positive feedback we continually receive from our clients, particularly a client review (from AEB) which said ‘from the first meeting we knew we were working with two people who really understood us’. This review meant a lot to us, and often we measure our success in terms of the connection we have developed with our clients and the new lifestyles they can build around their new homes.  

What role does technology play in your business, especially in relation to enhancing health and wellness? 
Ultimately, technology is an enabler in our business. Its use allows us to complete tasks more quickly and effectively, meaning we can better serve clients and take more off their plates. Technology brings a massive benefit in time efficiency, helping improve clients’ stress levels and mental wellbeing.  

What are the biggest challenges you face in maintaining the integrity and efficacy of your products/services in a rapidly growing industry?
Uncertainty in the market, caused by political and economic changes, means our clients are more nervous than ever.  We have to make sure all elements of their circumstances are considered – work, schools, lifestyle goals, and finances – so they can make an assured and positive step forward on their home-hunting journey. 

How do you stay informed and continue to innovate? 
We listen and take the time to understand, believing we have to get under the skin of every client’s needs and dreams. To best serve them, we stay informed on the ever-evolving lifestyle challenges that inevitably impact where we live and what we’re looking for in a home. We also seek out excellent complimentary and supporting businesses to learn from their experiences and knowledge.

We spend a lot of time talking to our business contacts to ensure we are always on the front foot and if we don’t know something, we know the right person to ask.    

Thinking of moving, check out Otters Home Search for support and information to get it right.