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In Conversation With Eco-Lifestyle Pioneer, Marci Zaroff

You are in for a real treat today, as Marci Zaroff, an internationally-recognized eco-lifestyle pioneer, serial entrepreneur, and the author of ECOrenaissance: Co-Creating A Stylish, Sexy and Sustainable World (Simon & Schuster, 2018) is in conversation with us.

She coined the term “ECOfashion" in 1995 to style the world of change, while changing the world of style and today, as the Founder/CEO of ecofashionCORP, Marci has built a B2B2C ecosystem, with a “Greenhouse of Brands,” with celebrity partners Hilary Swank & Nigel Barker, she really is a powerhouse.

Her story is fascinating and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

Over to you, Marci.

What inspired you to start a company in the health and wellness sector and what do you offer?

Reading the book “Living in the Light” in the 80s struck a chord with me, revealing that there's more to life than what we see. This led me to dive into the health movement, become a vegetarian, attend healthy conferences, and explore microbiotic eating. Understanding that food is energy opened up a rabbit hole of health.

In the 1990s, I entered the food space by funding the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to inspire and educate consumers to live a healthier lifestyle through food. I discovered the interconnection of food and fiber in both agriculture and popular culture and coined the term "eco fashion" in 1995 to apply my learnings from the food industry to fashion textiles. Our skin is our largest organ, and what we put on it is just as important as what we put in our bodies. I also recognized the environmental impacts of fashion.

I dedicated myself across sectors, starting with food and discovering that fashion was an even bigger polluter. I uncovered problems affecting the health of farmers and workers, and our planet, noting that fashion is the second largest water and air polluter in the world.

What influenced your services or product design?

Our products are influenced by a commitment to non-toxicity and environmental sustainability. We ensure that all of our products are free from harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and acetone. This commitment extends to offering apparel and home products that will never harm people or the planet. Additionally, I was part of the team that developed the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), which sets the benchmark for organic textiles worldwide. This standard ensures that our products meet strict environmental and social criteria, reinforcing our commitment to health and wellness.

How does your company uniquely address the health and wellness needs of its customers?

We prioritize safety and sustainability in our products by ensuring that all our apparel and home products are non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals. This commitment protects our customers' health while contributing to a healthier planet. Our holistic approach to health and wellness is reflected in our product design, which emphasizes safety for both people and the environment.

A key component of our strategy is RESET (Regenerate the Environment, Society, & Economy thru Textiles), our proprietary cotton farm project in India. RESET aims to revitalize degraded soil and combat climate change through regenerative soil health practices. By offering regenerative in-conversion to organic, NOP/NOP certified organic, GB/T organic (for China retail), and Demeter Biodynamic cotton, we ensure the highest standards of sustainability from field to fashion.

Our vertically integrated platform procures regenerative, organic, and/or biodynamic cotton, integrating up the supply chain to deliver finished apparel and home textiles with full traceability from source to story. This unique approach not only meets the health and wellness needs of our customers but also supports broader environmental and societal goals.

What major health and wellness trends have impacted your business strategy?

The organic cotton movement has significantly influenced our business strategy. This movement emphasizes growing cotton without chemicals and pesticides, which aligns with our commitment to environmental sustainability and health. By adopting organic cotton, we reduce the environmental impact of our products and promote healthier alternatives in the fashion industry.

Could you describe a pivotal moment or decision in your company's development? How did it influence your path forward?

A pivotal moment in our company's development was the convergence of consumer demand and corporate demand based on climate science targets. This 30-year journey has been marked by significant events, but the COVID-19 pandemic was a turning point. It woke people up to the importance of health and sustainability, leading to increased government involvement. This shift motivated me to start my current company to be a solution provider in the industry, addressing the urgent need for sustainable practices.

How do you measure success in terms of health and wellness outcomes for your clients or customers?

Success is measured by how many companies we can convert from conventional to organic and sustainable fibers and materials. We leverage the power of fashion and materials to expand sustainable agriculture. The more organic products we make, the more we drive organic fibers into an important category in the health arena. I also created and launched the Organic Fiber Council, a $70 billion US industry, which underscores our impact in promoting health and wellness through sustainable practices.

What role does technology play in your business, especially in relation to enhancing health and wellness?

Technology is integral to our business, particularly in enhancing transparency and sustainability, which are key to health and wellness. One of the most significant technological implementations in our operations is the use of blockchain technology for supply chain transparency.

We use blockchain technology to embed QR codes in the tags of our products, both in our apparel brand, YesAnd, and our home brand, Farm to Home. When customers scan these QR codes, they can see a detailed, transparent supply chain story, from the source of the raw materials to the final product. This technology allows consumers to verify the origins of every aspect of our garments, providing assurance of the ethical and sustainable practices behind our products.

Our blockchain-enabled QR codes offer full traceability, showcasing the journey of our regenerative, organic, and biodynamic cotton through every step of the supply chain. This transparency not only builds consumer trust but also educates them about the importance of sustainable and ethical production practices.

Additionally, we are working on implementing other advanced technologies to enhance our production processes and minimize waste. This includes 3D and virtual sampling, digital color matching, and on-demand printing, which reduce the need for physical samples and lower our environmental impact. We are also developing proprietary AI to make smart learning more accessible within supply chain management, in partnership with one of our strategic investors, AdoreMe.

Soil sensors are another technological innovation we employ, especially within our RESET (Regenerate the Environment, Society, & Economy thru Textiles) project. These sensors monitor soil health, ensuring that our farming practices contribute to the regeneration of the environment while producing high-quality organic cotton.

By leveraging these technologies, we enhance the health and wellness outcomes for our customers, ensuring they receive products that are not only safe and sustainable but also produced with the highest ethical standards.

What are the biggest challenges you face in maintaining the integrity and efficacy of your wellness products/services in a rapidly growing industry?

The biggest challenges include funding and financing the needs that don’t match the old systems, to unlock the fiber revolution. For example, buying seed and cotton 6 months before brands place their purchase orders. In other words, someone has to pay for innovation. Brands often just want to place the product order, but who is paying for training, managing, certification, harvest, buying cotton, etc.?

To address these challenges, we are constantly exploring innovative financing models and partnerships. Collaborating with like-minded investors and organizations who share our vision for a sustainable future is key. Additionally, we advocate for a more holistic understanding of the supply chain costs among our partners and consumers, emphasizing the long-term benefits of sustainable practices for both people and the planet.

In summary, maintaining the integrity and efficacy of our wellness products and services in a rapidly growing industry requires a proactive approach to funding, education, and partnership. By continuing to invest in our sustainable practices and advocating for systemic change, we aim to overcome these challenges and drive the fiber revolution forward.

How do you stay informed and continue to innovate within the health and wellness field?

I stay informed by being a global public speaker, attending many events and conferences, reading extensively, and serving as chair of the board of the Textile Exchange, one of our industry’s leading organizations. I network, travel, visit supply chains, and keep my feet on the ground from beginning to end, from agriculture to popular culture. I also collaborate with new brands in other sectors, like food, and remain active in the organic food world.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to enter the health and wellness industry?

Take one step at a time, set a vision, be authentic, and think outside the box. Walk the talk: help starts from within, take care of yourself, practice self-care so that you’re grounded and can be a good advocate for health. Collaborate everywhere you can.