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Want to be the author of your own life?

In my previous article for YOMU magazine I wrote about journaling and how this can support us through our lives as a way to create space to reflect, be creative, pause and be present. To develop this further in to a deeper practice there are different types of prompts to support different explorations which can support us learning more about ourselves, letting go of what no longer serves us and bringing in new intentions.  

Something I have been working on recently with my coaching clients is being in a space of truly living their lives in a way which feels authentic to them and journaling and exploring being the author of your own life can help to explore and gain clarity in this area.   

So do you want to be the author of your own life rather than living someone else’s story? 

When you are in real alignment with who you are you can truly author your own life and write your own version of the story.  

There is no quick fix for being aligned in how you live your life and how you show up as your authentic and true to yourself, it takes work and the ability to have awareness and be curious about who you are and what you want.  

So what do you want your story to be? 
What does your heart truly want? 
When you have practical tools in your toolkit you can start to author your own life and work towards resolving internal conflicts and blocks to create inner peace and congruence in your life, allowing you to live more authentically and essentially be more you. So who are you? 

Through Neuro Linguistic Programming  you can develop awareness of what is going on for you and how you can be in your most resourceful state so that you can design your own life and move towards your best self. And when you are showing up as your best self you can also model this for your children and those around you too.  

So what do you want to design in your own life? 

Journal Prompts for being the author of your own life  

Grab your journal, a pen, a glass of water and find somewhere comfy to sit and use these prompts to help you dig deep on being author of your own life.  

~ Who are you now? 

~ If you could doing anything right now what would it be? 

~ What do you want more of in your life? 

~ What do you want less of in your life? 

~ If you were showing up as your true authentic self right now what would you be doing? What would you be saying? What would you be wearing? What would you be feeling? What would you be saying to yourself? 

~ What is your first step towards being the author of your own life? 

Remember there is no right or wrong in how much or how you should write when you are journaling. This is completely up to you and can be in a way which works for you, whether this is full sentences, a short story, bullet points or simply just notes.  

So grab your notebook and a pen and gift yourself the time to give one of the above prompts a go.  

And if you would like some more support with deepening your journal practicing you can join me for one of my monthly self care Rest and Refuel Monthly online circles.

You can find out more via my website or by getting in touch with me.  

Emma Benyon 
Self Care and Motherhood Coach and Educator 
Editor of Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums 
Host of Self Care and Motherhood Edit 

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