JOMO London is a luxury sexual wellness brand founded by TV star Liv Bentley and celebrity make-up artist and fitness coach Bella Campbell. This fabulous brand creates products that promote body positivity while addressing common issues such as sexual wellness after having kids, or during menopause and they do it with luxe and style!

JOMO began as the launch of a luxury multi-purpose oil and has transformed into a journey of empowerment through self-exploration, self-care, and breaking taboos around sexual well-being and sensuality.

As a MIC fan, and as I head to London today, it’s over to Bella to talk more about JOMO London on YOMU.

Liv and I are not only great friends but business partners, both passionate about women’s sexual wellness and changing the narrative around sex we decided to not just talk about it but do something about it. We created Jomo, stands for the joy of missing out and we hashtagged: jealous of my orgasm. We started with our award-winning CBD arousal oil, and have slowly expanded into other products- with more on the way.

What influenced your services or product design?

We had very strong ideas about what were creating, something luxe, that made you feel empowered when using, Something that looks great, feels great, and changed the typical stigma around “lubes”.  We created posh lubes with an added extra! 

How does your company uniquely address the health and wellness needs of its customers?

We have created products that are for everyone, we know from market research from all ages were after and scientifically / medically how women’s bodies are. For example, our PH, our osmolality, how lack of oestrogen affects women, or varying medicines and health, or as we also know how lube is just underrated and should be an essential part of the pleasure sphere. 

We have hero ingredients that make us unique, CBD in our arousal oil and L’Argenine in our intimate serum.

Both have great benefits, from increasing blood flow/ circulation which can heighten sensation in turn stronger climax. L\Argenine is known to help with stronger harder erections. Cbd as a muscle relaxant to ease discomfort. All products all natural, paraben free, formulated with both a women's PH and osmolality in mind.

What major health and wellness trends have impacted your business strategy?
The narrative around sex and wellbeing. The platform is growing and we have always wanted to use our own platforms and knowledge to be able to discuss things that should be normalised. 

Could you describe a pivotal moment or decision in your company's development? How did it influence your path forward?
A pivotal moment was the final sign-off of our first product and starting to trade. The success and feedback from customers reiterated our belief in what we were doing and the pleasure we get from being able to help others enjoy their intimate moments. 

How do you measure success in terms of health and wellness outcomes for your clients or customers?
Success is determined by our customer’s feedback, and repeat business. We love hearing about their experiences and reading the testimonials back is honestly the best feeling as it makes the rollercoaster ride of a start-up worth it.

These are the types of testimonials that we just adore :

My wife has just completed 3 months chemo, two separate lung ops, 65% of her liver and bowel removed, 6 weeks daily radiation therapy and further 3 maths chemo. Your JOMO has helped her confidence grow while she still recovers.  To say it has been a revelation for her and is helping her get back to the woman she felt before is an understatement.  It assists with the discomfort and soreness chemo and radiation as horrible byproduct of her unbelievable fight against this awful disease its wonderful for her.  Our first weekend away together in over two years this last wkd was a very happy one. I wish you both all the success Jomo brings you and all the clients you get to use it and enjoy it."

What role does technology play in your business, especially in relation to enhancing health and wellness?
This is something we are working on and continually growing, keeping up with the ever-changing tech world is crazy. We primarily are an e-commerce store and have tried various platforms and gateways etc. We have chosen two of the hardest things to work with - CBD and sex in the tech world is a constant ever-changing maze - so we have to be adaptable and make sure we stay on top of this. 

What are the biggest challenges you face in maintaining the integrity and efficacy of your wellness products/services in a rapidly growing industry?
As a small company, both Liv and I are very hands-on but the challenge is time. Having enough brain power and hours to get everything done. We pride ourselves on being self self-funded start-up up and the fact we are still pushing through and the company growing without investment makes us super proud. Sometimes we watch other companies grow hugely with loads of products but we want to stay true to our brand and do what we do well, quality in products over quantity - we have some exciting plans in the pipeline though so stay tuned.

How do you stay informed and continue to innovate within the health and wellness field?
The sexual wellness space is very supportive to other brands and we love that brands support each other and build each other, There is a big community where we all can discuss and hear where the health and wellness field is heading/ and stay on top with what people want and other brands. 

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to enter the health and wellness industry?
Be passionate about what you do,  if you believe in your brand and product then you’re already halfway there. Lots of market research, listen to what your customers say and what people want, and don’t overspend! Get ready for a wild rollercoaster with the biggest highs and lows but everything is worth it as you are fulfilling a passion and making a difference to someone. 

For more details do check out JOMO London.


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