To Sauna, Or Not To Sauna?

Picture this: last week, there I was, stuck in traffic trying to make it to a university lecture I was giving on PR careers. The universe, however, seemed to have plotted a different course for my day.

Normally, my knees are my weak point, but the day after spending hours in my car, my back took centre stage and for anyone who suffers from this regularly, I see you and admire your battle.

My usual morning leap out of bed was replaced by a hobble down the stairs, a desperate scramble for painkillers and my heat pack. It was clear I needed to wrestle back control before my backache decided to take up permanent residence.

From Sauna Scaredy-Cat to Heat Hero

I've always been a bit wary of saunas. The idea of getting stuck, or the overwhelming heat, had me saying, "No thanks" and then there’s the thought of who might also be in there  But with my back in rebellion and screaming for respite, I decided to take the plunge. And guess what? It turned out to be a game-changer. The new gym I had joined became my unexpected sanctuary.

Venturing into the sauna initially was all about tackling my back pain, but I quickly discovered there was so much more to gain.

Muscle Magic
The deep heat works wonders, acting like a magic wand for easing muscle aches. My back is still a work in progress, but the improvement is there, and I'm managing without heavy-duty pain meds.

Stress Buster
etween managing my father's health, running a business, launching YOMU, and family life, stress is a constant companion. The sauna has become my escape—a place where my phone can't follow, and I can focus on positive affirmations and breathing. It's become my zen zone where stress doesn’t stand a chance.

Detox Deluxe
here's something incredibly rejuvenating about sweating it out. It feels like I'm purging toxins with every session. And improving blood flow? That was a bonus I hadn't anticipated.

While the benefits of sleep and the immune system are still on my "to experience" list, I'm optimistic. The sauna is becoming a key piece of my wellness puzzle.

This isn't just me waxing lyrical about my newfound sauna love. It's about sharing the potential for a slice of wellness that might just be what you need, too.

Whether it's a traffic-induced backache or a need for some peace and quiet, there's something genuinely therapeutic about sauna life.

I've quickly evolved from a sauna newbie to being on first-name terms with it (and yes, the gym's coffee definitely helps). For me, it's not just about basking in the heat; it's about finding that space where I can let go, ease my pains, sweat out the remnants of last night’s vodka (keeping it real), and take a moment for myself.

If you're in search of a soulful mini-vacation, why not give the sauna a try?

Or, if you have your own go-to relaxation hack, I’d love to hear about it.

Who would have thought that a traffic jam could lead to such a dreamy discovery?



The benefit of adding creative flow to your day!


For the Love of Sleep