Hotpod Yoga; What’s It All About?

Nick Higgins is the co-founder and Head of Teaching at Hotpod Yoga and is here on YOMU today talking about, yes you’ve guessed it, hot yoga!

Yoga classes are rooted in ‘Vinyasa Flow’ – a style of yoga that synchronises movement and breath, to work the body and calm the mind. Our classes take place in a warm environment, heated to a comfortable 37 degrees, which helps the body melt into the practice, warming the muscles and aiding flexibility, while making the heart work harder.

The ‘pods’ – which are all situated within a permanent, studio setting – glow with a special purple hue that takes you deeper into your practice, calming the mind, quietening racing thoughts, and transporting you a million miles from the outside world. Music is also at the heart of the Hotpod experience, with immersive soundscapes accompanying every class, while a beautifully scented environment helps encourage the body to unwind and awakens the mind.

We offer a variety of class types that are suitable for everyone, from Vinyasa Flow through to more Nurturing classes and Sleep Sessions, where you’ll find a deeper, slower more restorative experience. An expert teacher is on hand throughout, to offer clear and encouraging cues to help students get into and out of poses comfortably, as well as to offer variations that challenge more advanced students, or provide extra support for beginners.

The heat allows for a comfortable, immersive experience, turning up the dial on a typical yoga class and enhancing flexibility and relaxation, but without the more extreme heat that you’d find in other hot yoga practices, such as Bikram Yoga.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of yoga are varied and many, building mental and physical strength, and cementing positive habits for life. It can be unique for every individual, with everyone able to take away something beneficial from their practice. Key benefits include:

Supports a stronger, healthier body - Yoga involves a wide range of postures and exercises that engage various muscle groups. This helps build strength, tone muscles, and improve overall body composition. Additionally, it encourages proper alignment and posture, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues, which can cause significant aches and pain.

Builds mental and physical resilience - Yoga helps build resilience by teaching students to adapt and find balance in challenging postures and situations. It cultivates mental fortitude through practices like breath control and meditation, helping individuals cope with stressors both during class and outside it. By adding heat and humidity to the space in hot yoga, this is amplified, really helping develop resilience and control.

Improves cardiovascular health - While yoga may not be a high-intensity cardiovascular exercise, it can still contribute to heart health. Vinyasa classes can elevate heart rate and improve circulation, while focusing on breathing can enhance lung function and oxygenation of the body.

Supports better sleep - Regular yoga practice has been associated with improved sleep quality. The relaxation techniques used in yoga, combined with stress reduction, can help calm the mind and prepare the body for restful sleep. This can be particularly beneficial for those who have a busy mind and who may typically struggle with sleep.

·Improves flexibility and joint mobility - Yoga involves a variety of stretches and poses that target different muscle groups and joints. Over time, consistent practice leads to increased flexibility and improved range of motion. This can alleviate stiffness and discomfort, enhancing overall mobility.

Reduces stress and improves focus - Yoga places a strong emphasis on training the mind to become more present in the moment. Through meditation, breathwork, and physical practice, you can learn to calm the mind, reduce stress levels, and enhance focus. These skills can be applied in daily life, improving productivity and mental clarity.

Cultivates greater self-awareness - Yoga encourages self-reflection and introspection. Through regular practice, you can become more attuned to your body, thoughts, and emotions. This heightened self-awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s own needs and desires, fostering personal growth and self-acceptance.

Boosts recovery and reduces likelihood of injury - Yoga promotes balanced strength and flexibility, which can help prevent injuries. It also aids in post-injury recovery by gently building strength, increasing circulation to injured areas, and promoting a mindful approach to movement, reducing the risk of re-injury.

There are 55 Hotpod Yoga studios across the country, with more set to open in the second half of 2024, and to find your nearest studio and to book, please visit


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