What’s on the menu; Eve Biology?
Women over 50 are the fastest growing segment of the UK workforce. Research shows a clear link between untreated and undiagnosed menopause symptoms and their work experience and career progression, which significantly impacts companies' finances and the overall UK economy to the tune of around £11bn a year.
While workplaces have been active with talking therapies and promoting awareness, this does nothing to alleviate the physical symptoms. If you are still struggling to get access to HRT or choose not to take it, nutrition can be your best friend.
Conventional breakfast and lunch choices are often high in carbohydrates and sugars and eating this on the go, can worsen hormonal imbalances during menopause. Enter Eve Biology.
Eve Biology is redefining fast food with a revolutionary meal replacement blend formulated to alleviate the toughest symptoms experienced by women in hormonal transition. Ready in under 60 seconds, this nutritious alternative to traditional grab-and-go options enables busy, working women to take control of their health.
Julie Ennis, an Eve Biology fan, says, “After incorporating the shakes into my daily routine, the persistent brain fog lifted completely within two weeks. It restored my clarity and confidence, allowing me to thrive in my demanding job.”
When oestogen levels decline you lose some of the protective qualities of the hormone. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels rise. This increases a woman's risk of cardiovascular disease which is why maintaining a healthy weight is so important. There is solid research which supports the use of meal replacements for weight loss and weight maintenance.
Supports Weight Loss & Weight Maintenance
The tasty, fuss free, low calorie formulation adheres to European Food Safety Standards for weight control and includes clinically proven ingredients to improve gut health to support hormone regulation and alleviate symptoms like anxiety, bloating, fatigue, and brain fog.
Increases Your Protein
From your thirties you’ll naturally start to lose muscle mass which can affect your bodies ability to burn calories effectively which can result in weight gain. Women in menopause are re commended to eat 1.5g of protein per kg of body weight. Muscle mass burns more calories than fat even when the body is at rest and helps to support bones and the growth and repair of cells. Eating protein also helps to reduce sugar cravings - the first port of call for women who aren't getting enough sleep.
Memory Boosting, Sugar Balancing Fibre.
The gut plays a massive role in helping to regulate hormones by first converting non active oestrogen into its active form and distributing it to oestrogen receptors where it supports the bodily functions and brain. This is where Eve Biology really shines with it’s prebiotic fibre, increasing gut microbiota and stabilising blood sugar levels as well as memory.2024 study by Kings College found that two specific prebiotics: inulin and Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) improve memory after 12 weeks. Eve Biology has both.
Stress Busting, Sleep Supporting Adaptogens
Unfortunately, the majority of women are leading quite stressful lives when hormones start to shift. Balancing careers, teenaged children and taking on more responsibility for their own parents takes it’s toll. When adrenaline and cortisol are too high the adrenal glands don’t produce your back up oestrogen which means low oestrogen symptoms are worse than they need to be. Eve Biology uses Ashwagandha KSM66 to help the body adapt and recover from emotional and physical stress.
Angela Patton, Founder, emphasises the product's importance, says, “We have various plans to support women as their priorities change. Intermittent Fasting, Weight Loss, Menopause 5 Day Plan and the 4 Week Plan all include access to hormone-supporting recipes developed by top nutritionists. Recipes which feature lower carbohydrates help to balance appetite hormones and insulin.
'Far from slowing down as they mature, post menopausal women are more interested than ever in living life with more intensity and passion. They show no desire to slow down or drop out like their mothers and grandmothers. Learning new skills, advancing their education, taking on more senior roles like their male counterparts will reshape the world of work and the economy. Eve is the perfect foundation to help them do that. This is the time for them to shine.”
Find out more at Eve Biology https://evebiology.com/