Hypnotherapy; witchcraft, magic or supertherapy?

Today, the fantastic Vicki Hawtin of Flourish Hypnotherapy is here on YOMU to de-bunk a few of the myths surrounding hypnotherapy and to share some of the wonderful benefits that hypnotherapy can actually bring, and what a wonderful, helpful read it is.

Many people may have visions of hypnotherapy as being a strange practice, associating it with stage hypnotherapy or celebrity hypnotherapists controlling their ‘victims’ to gain a laugh. 

Hypnosis for therapy is actually nothing like that and most of my clients tell me it’s the most relaxed they’ve ever felt.  We work together to discuss what’s been worrying you, how it’s affecting you, set goals and make a plan.  Most sessions usually start with some gentle breathing exercises, a deep relaxation followed by bespoke hypnotherapy tailored specifically for you.  Unlike some other therapies, hypnotherapy can work rapidly, with most clients often requiring between four to six sessions to make effective, lasting change. 

Hypnosis is a special way of using various naturally occurring psychological and physiological states. It’s a collaborative process in which you allow yourself to follow the guidance of the therapist by using your imagination to evoke positive emotions and rehearse behaviour change. Everyone can, in principle, be hypnotised, although my rule of thumb is that a client must want to be hypnotised, it’s absolutely not going to work if for example a wife makes an appointment for her husband, who is completely against the idea and doesn’t want to be there.  I feel that 90% of the work is done once the client themselves has made up their mind to make a change. 

Hypnotherapy can treat a wide range of conditions, including phobias, addictions, anxiety, pain relief, depression, stress, menopausal symptoms, insomnia, confidence, imposter syndrome and much more.  Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to aid mental health and in turn can improve our physical health too.  As such, many of the techniques I use with individual clients can also be used for group sessions during well-being days in the workplace.  Mindfulness exercises, breathing techniques and deep relaxation can all be taught in the workplace to help reduce stress and improve productivity.  I’m proud to say I also work with companies to offer well-being days in their workplace.  These have proved extremely popular, and I have worked with a range of companies, from multi-national companies, to educational establishments, to smaller companies.  It’s great to know that forward thinking companies are now prioritising mental health in the workplace and understand the need to look after their workforce in this way.

Employees, although sometimes initially sceptical, have found the sessions invaluable in reducing stress and anxiety.  I’ve had great feedback from these sessions and it’s very rewarding to know I’m helping people to manage their stress levels and anxiety. 

So why did I become a hypnotherapist?  I discovered hypnotherapy almost by accident about 4 years ago when I was going through a very difficult time in my own life.  I had lost my husband a few years before that and was struggling to bring up two children alone whilst working as a special needs teacher.  I knew I wanted to do something which would continue to help others but which could work around my family and provide me with a business I could grow to support us.  After much research I discovered hypnotherapy was the path for me.  I love supporting people to heal and I’m so happy to hear their success stories following treatment.

Many women are struggling with that feeling of trying to balance everything, career, family, social life, relationships.  My passion is to work with you to move you forward, to achieve your goals and bring back that feeling of balance enabling you to flourish once more and be present in your life.  I specialise in dealing with anxiety, feelings of overwhelm, burnout and stress.  This may also have led to using props such as alcohol or other quick fixes to try to overcome these feelings.  I can work with you to turn this around. 

If you’ve never tried hypnotherapy before, or had pre-conceived ideas about it, I hope I’ve managed to dispel a few myths and open you up to the possibilities of it. 

Many clients tell me it’s like magic and what better recommendation could I get than that?!


For more details head to https://www.flourishhypnotherapycheshire.co.uk /


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