The Magic of Herbal Remedies & Mushroom Tinctures

Kathy Sanderson is an Energy & Inner Child Healer based in Mynyddcerrig, South West Wales, where she lives on 25 acres of meadow and woodland. She runs the Community Camping and Healing Gatherings and Retreats with her husband, David. Passionate about natural healing, Kathy forages and creates her own herbal balms and mushroom tinctures, sharing the power of nature to restore balance and well-being. She also offers Herbal Remedies Workshops, where participants can learn how to make their own natural remedies. Kathy is a devoted mother of three and an animal lover, with a belief that we are all one and that everything is energy and is here on YOMU today to help you find out about the magic of herbal remedies and mushroom tinctures.

In a world that often moves too quickly, many of us are searching for ways to reconnect with nature, slow down, and find balance. For me, this connection comes through the ancient, simple practices of using herbal remedies and mushroom tinctures. These natural treasures offer a path back to the earth’s rhythms, helping us nurture our health and well-being in gentle yet powerful ways.

Here on our land in Mynyddcerrig, South West Wales, I’ve dedicated myself to the world of natural healing. For millennia, herbs and mushrooms have been celebrated for their healing properties, and it’s clear to me that their wisdom is more important now than ever.

One of my greatest joys is creating mushroom tinctures. There’s something truly magical about working with mushrooms—these incredible fungi are so full of life and energy. I personally forage Turkey Tail mushrooms from our land and carefully grow Lion’s Mane. These mushrooms are more than just ingredients; they’re a direct link to the earth’s healing power. Each tincture I create is crafted with love, designed to support your immune system, boost your mind, and bring a sense of calm and balance.

But it’s not just about the mushrooms. Our land is rich with herbs, each offering its own unique benefits. I create my Heal All Balm using dandelion and nettle, infused with a special blend of essential oils that I’ve crafted myself. This balm is a true reflection of the natural abundance we’re blessed with. It’s perfect for any skin concern and many other conditions, soothing, healing, and providing relief in a natural, gentle way.

We’re surrounded by an abundance of powerful herbs like self-heal, meadowsweet, nettles, and burdock. Each of these plants has its own special qualities. I use self-heal for soothing sore throats and supporting digestion, while meadowsweet is my go-to for relieving aches and pains. Nettle is a daily cleansing tea for me, rich in vitamins and minerals, and a fantastic way to support overall wellness. Burdock is another favourite, known for its detoxifying properties and its ability to support clear, healthy skin. When I create herbal balms and teas from these plants, I’m not just making products—I’m sharing the nurturing energy of the earth, offering you a way to bring that into your daily life.

What I love most about these remedies is how they nourish not just the body but also the mind and spirit. Whether you’re taking my mushroom tinctures, soothing your skin with my Heal All Balm, or enjoying the benefits of our local herbs, you’re embracing a way of healing that’s in tune with nature’s rhythms. It’s a slower, more mindful approach to wellness, one that invites us to pause, breathe, and reconnect with the world around us.

Will these natural remedies bring you the balance and healing you’re seeking? I’ve shared a bit about the ways nature can nurture you, but perhaps the best way to know is to try it for yourself. Let’s start with something simple—how about a recipe for a soothing herbal tea you can make at home?

Calming Herbal Tea Recipe


1 teaspoon dried lemon balm

1 teaspoon dried chamomile

1 teaspoon dried lavender


1. Boil water and pour it over the herbs in a teapot or large mug.

2. Let the tea steep for 5-10 minutes to allow the flavours and beneficial properties to infuse.

3. Strain and enjoy. You can add a bit of honey or lemon if desired.

This blend of lemon balm, chamomile, and lavender is known for its calming properties, making it a perfect choice for winding down in the evening or whenever you need a moment of peace. If you want to create a similar soothing tea using herbs from your garden, you can replace chamomile with pineapple weed and adjust the other herbs as needed.

You can contact Kathy at


Hypnotherapy; witchcraft, magic or supertherapy?