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For the Love of Sleep

As an ambitious entrepreneur, multi-tasking mum, dog walker, dad carer and someone who’s somehow supposed to hold it all together, I’m the first to raise my hand and admit that sleep often falls way down on my to-do list. Between late-night emails, the school run, and trying to squeeze in a social life, my bed sees less of me than my coffee machine. However, here’s the thing – I’ve come to realise, albeit begrudgingly, that skimping on sleep is akin to forgetting to put water in that coffee machine; everything comes to a grinding halt.

Why Sleep Isn’t Just for the Weak

The power of sleep, as I’ve learned the hard way, is nothing short of magical. It’s not just about beauty rest (though, let’s not knock the skin benefits). No, it goes deeper. Sleep is when your body turns into a bit of a superhero, repairing itself from the day’s battles, consolidating memories so you don’t forget where you’ve put your keys (again), and keeping your mood from resembling a rollercoaster ride at Alton Towers.

The Nitty-Gritty of Shut-Eye

Did you know that while you’re off in dreamland, your body is working overtime? Those Zs are when your muscles repair, your brain files away the day's information, and your hormones have a little party to rebalance themselves for the coming day and as I head towards 50 I know I need that boost. It’s essentially the body’s version of a reset button, making sure you’re ready to take on the world – or at least the school run.

Mood, Mindset, and Mischief

Here’s where it gets interesting for us running on a perpetual motion machine – sleep is a massive mood regulator. Ever noticed how everything seems a bit more, well, doable after a good night’s sleep? There’s a reason for that. Sleep helps us process emotions, making those teary meltdowns over spilt milk (literally) less frequent. It’s like having your very own emotional armour, preparing you to face the day with a smile rather than a scowl, and no the sunnies don’t hide that!

A Secret Weapon for the Busy Bee

For those of us who pride ourselves on our multitasking, sleep is our secret weapon. It sharpens the mind, boosts creativity, and keeps us on our toes. Think of it as the ultimate life hack for the entrepreneur mum who needs to be on her A-game. Skipping on sleep is like trying to run your laptop on 2% battery – it’s not going to end well.

Embracing the Land of Nod

So, how do we, the perpetually busy, make peace with our pillows? It starts with seeing sleep not as a luxury, but as essential as that morning coffee. It’s about creating a bedtime ritual, turning off the tech, and yes, sometimes saying no to that last-minute deadline.

Let’s make a pact to give our sleep the same priority we give our work and family.

After all, a well-rested mum, entrepreneur, and all-around wonder woman is a force to be reckoned with. Here’s to catching more Zs and feeling all the better for it. Trust me, your body, mind, and maybe even your kids, partner and pets will thank you for it.
